After a very slow and challenging recovery from my heart attack and heart failure during April-June, 2021, I was given permission to start running.  I could only run for 3 seconds/walk for 45-60 seconds at first.  With numerous ups and downs I kept running every other day, with gradual increases—doing cross training on the alternate days (see end of this section).  Most of my runs now are about 60 minutes—using a run walk run strategy of run 10 seconds/walk 10 seconds.   Long workouts are done on weekends, about every 14 days.

In November my long workouts, every 14 days, were at 8 miles—mostly walking.  I kept extending the distance leading to the WALT DISNEY WORLD HALF MARATHON in January.  It was the toughest half ever—but I finished!  I covered 13.1 in training 2 weeks later and in another two weeks finished the 13.1 with Donna in Jacksonville FL—about 20 minutes faster than at WDW. 

I’m traveling again, doing zoom clinics and in-person sessions (social distancing) and excited about the future.  If your club, business, event, etc. is interested in my services, email me:

ANNOUNCING the new Galloway Run-Walk-Run training app! With coaching, motivation, nutrition, a FREE run-walk-run timer, and more!