See more in Running Injuries – Treatment and Prevention
I’ve not found that an extended layoff speeds up the healing of shin splints. Here are my suggestions. There’s some info on shin splints in my original book: Galloway’s Book on Running.
1. Make sure that your shoes are right for your feet, and that you’re not pronating so much that you could use an orthotic. Even if you over pronate, a good arch support will often give you enough correction, but make sure.
2. Put much more walking into your long runs. If you’ve been doing a one-minute walk break every 4 minutes, do a 1 minute every 2 minutes.
3. Try to stay below the threshold of irritation. If running 3 miles every other day makes it hurt, then drop to 2 miles and put walk breaks into each.
4. Don’t race or do speedwork until the shin splints go away.
5. You can run through shin splints, as long as you don’t have a stress fracture or other more serious shin problem.
The best recovery tool that I have found is called the BFF – it invigorates the affected area and brings new bloodflow in!