My design brings back the athletes who made Peachtree the worlds best 10K, backed by the millions who have been inspired to improve their lives by the Peachtree journey. Let me tell you how I came up with the concept.
Winning the first Peachtree in 1970 set me on a quest to be the best I could be. Two years later, I qualified for the US Olympic Team in Munich. Four years later I became assistant race director as the race grew from 1200 to 12,000 in 3 years. I invited more than a dozen of my world-class friends (Frank Shorter, Bill Rodgers, Don Kardong, Lasse Viren and others) before other road races were doing this. I learned about the power of the media in working with Peachtree’s new sponsor (at the time), The Atlanta Journal/Constitution. They were eager to broadcast how the world’s best runners were going to run down Peachtree Street and this excitement put Atlanta on the international running map.
The AJC was also motivated to print articles and sponsor clinics at my Phidippides store to help average people get in shape for a 10K. I set up a weekly training program with tips on avoiding aches and pains, improving endurance, nutrition, etc. Over a 3 month period, out of Phidippides, I coached thousands of new runners and helped former runners make a comeback. We were the first race organization to actively promote to the masses how training for a distance event could improve quality of life—while offering a plan and resources to do this. In the process, I discovered that I loved helping people improve mind/body/spirit through running—more than any of my activities. This has become my career.
To illustrate my design ideas, I enlisted the help of my friend, fellow Boston marathon veteran and talented artist, Walter Cumming. He brought the running legends to life while portraying the empowerment of those who work very hard to win the symbol of achievement: the T shirt.
Your vote could help put this design on the shirts of 60,000 on July 4th!