Question: Where can I find information on races with runner reviews?
Answer: The websites most commonly used by my runners are and
There is a lot of information about most races in each of these. Be sure to read the runner reviews. It also helps to visit a technical running store. Staff members hear stories and details about races that often don’t get reported in other places – such as “how long it takes to get to the start on race day” and “they didn’t have enough portojohns.” Veteran runners, who have attended many races, can often give editorial advice and steer you toward other information resources.
Jeff Galloway Resources: Visit the E-Shop where you will find “Galloway’s Marathon FAQ” and other books for your running library. You will also find training tips, training groups, running retreats and more.
Join us in Atlanta for the 2017 Jeff Galloway Race Weekend December 15-17! To register or find out more information on the JG 13.1, The Double G, Barb’s 5K, Fit Kids Run and other weekend events go to: