The “High Energy Half”

I’ve developed a simple half-mile test (800 meters on a track—2 laps) to determine a recommended pace for the long run.

Go to a track and run very slowly for two laps. On the first one, take as many walk breaks as you need to avoid huffing and puffing on this test. If you are not huffing and puffing at the end of the second lap, take your time on the watch, multiply by 2, and add three minutes. If you are huffing and puffing at the end, multiply by 2 and add 4 minutes. The result is the fastest per-mile time you should be recording on your long runs–you can always go slower.

These tests are noted on the weekend schedule as (HEH). Run Walk Run gently for 10 minutes before timing yourself for the 800. Only one 800 is timed during each of these workouts. Jog and walk gently for the rest of the time for that workout. You can adjust your long-run pace as the 800T time improves.

Examples of High Energy Half

  1. 800 time is 6:00 without huffing and puffing: 6:00 X 2 = 12:00. Adding 3 minutes will give you a long run pace of no faster than 15 min/mile.
  2. 800 time is 6:00, but you are huffing and puffing at the end: 6 X 2 = 12:00. Adding 4 minutes will give you a long run pace of no faster than 16 minutes per mile.

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Run Smarter, Not Harder:

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