Magic Mile

Why the Magic Mile?

After working with over 300,000 runners over 40 years, I’ve compiled hundreds of performances and established a prediction formula based on a one-mile trial. In other words, every two weeks or so, you can run a measured mile (at a good, hard pace) and use the time to predict what you could run at longer distances.

This assumes that:

  • You do the training needed for the distance and time goal
  • The temperature on the race day of your race is 60F or cooler
  • You pace yourself correctly and take the walk breaks necessary for your goal

The calculation uses the formula below.

  • Add 33 seconds to your magic mile for your pace for a 5K
  • Multiply your magic mile time by 1.15 for your 10K pace
  • Multiply your magic mile time by 1.175 for your 10 Mile pace
  • Multiply your magic mile time by 1.2 for your half-marathon pace
  • Multiply your magic mile time by 1.3 for your marathon pace

Here’s how to do the one-mile time trial:

  1. Warm up with a slow one-mile run
  2. Do a few acceleration gliders.
  3. Pace yourself as even as possible on each quarter mile.
  4. Run about as hard as you could run for one mile–but no puking! (finish feeling that you couldn’t have run more than a football field at the same pace)
  5. Keep walking after the time trial for 5 minutes, and jog a slow 1-6 miles, as needed for the mileage for that day.

Recommended Run-Walk-Run Strategies

Pace/mi Run Walk

7:00 6 min 30 sec (or run a mile/walk 40 seconds)
7:30 5 min 30 sec
8:00 4 min 30 sec (or 2/15)
8:30 3 min 30 sec (or 2/20)
9:00 2 min 30 sec or 80/20
9:30-10:45 90/30 or 60/20 or 45/15 or 60/30 or 40/20
10:45-12:15 60/30 or 40/20 or 30/15 or 30/30 or 20/20
12:15-14:30 30/30 or 20/20 or 15/15
14:30-15:45 15/30
15:45-17:00 10/30
17:00-18:30 8/30 or 5/25 or 10/30
18:30-20:00 5/30 or 5/25 or 4/30

Pace/km Run Walk

4:30/km 5 min 30 sec
5 min/km 4 min 30 sec
5:30/km 2 min 30 sec
6 min/km 90 sec 30 sec
6:30/km 75 sec 30 sec
7 min/km 60 sec 30 sec
8 min/km 30 sec 30 sec
9 min/km 20 sec 30 sec
10 min/km 15 sec 30 sec
11 min/km 10 sec 30 sec

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Next UP in The Training Series

Run Smarter, Not Harder:

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