All About That Pace – Guest Blog by Chris Twiggs Chief Training Officer, Galloway Training Programs

All about that pace – – – Q: What ratio do I need to use to run 10 minutes per mile? A: You’re asking the wrong question. There is a common misunderstanding about Jeff Galloway’s Run-Walk-Run method that a particular ratio will result in a specific...

Walk Breaks During Trail Runs

Question: I am training for my first trail half marathon. Should I stick with my usual run/walk ratio – or run more by feel? Answer: Walk breaks are even more important on long trail runs than on long pavement runs. Not only will the walks allow you to cope with...

Walk Breaks Can Improve Your Time

It is hard to believe but thousands of runners have improved their times by taking walk breaks. Running continuously causes the muscles to fatigue more rapidly, primarily because the muscles must be used lap after lap, or mile after mile – without relief. If you break...

“Galloway’s Marathon FAQ”

Question: Where can I find information on races with runner reviews? Answer: The websites most commonly used by my runners are and There is a lot of information about most races in each of these. Be sure to read the runner...

If You’ve Done a Half or Full Marathon and Want to do Another One In the Near Future

First, make sure that you’re recovered. Once you’ve gone 9+ miles (half) or 18+ (full) , you can maintain this level, or increase your limit, by going at least 9 miles every other weekend (half) or 18 miles every third weekend (full). Those who will do a half or full...

ANNOUNCING the new Galloway Run-Walk-Run training app! With coaching, motivation, nutrition, a FREE run-walk-run timer, and more!